1. Guide, Report, E-Book  ex. The Essential Guide to Internet Marketing - Learn the building blocks for successful online marketing

  2. Cheat Sheet, Worksheet, Checklist, Handout  ex. The Ultimate SaaS Cheat Sheet

  3. Toolkit, Resource Kit, Templates  ex. Time Management Toolkit

  4. Training, System, Technique – Video, Audio, Webinar

  5. Software Download/Free Trial  ex. Create professional proposals in minutes

  6. Try it free for 14 days (no credit card required)

  7. Discount, Coupon or Free Shipping

  8. Quiz/Survey

  9. Assessment/Test

  10. Blind/Sales Material  ex. Catalog, Product List, Price List

  11. Calendar, Plan, Planner

  12. Inspiration, Prompts

  13. Gated (Hidden) Content

  14. Infographic

  15. Event Tickets

  16. Email Course, Newsletter

  17. Facebook Group

  18. Membership

  19. Sample Chapter

  20. Book or E-Book

  21. Challenge  ex. 30 day smoothie challenge

  22. Recipe

  23. Goody Bags

  24. Bonus Baskets

  25. Magazine

  26. Map

  27. Formula



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and reflect on your awesomeness
while we gather your resources...